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A Andersen Aviary


Phone (303) 732-4400
Address 27550 CR 10,
Keenesburg, CO 80643 United States


Quaker Parrots, many hand fed birds looking for a good home. Selling the colony of breeder Quakers birds 200+, email for price.
Andersen Aviary is like no other, there are hundreds of birds to see and learn from. We have Canaries, Finches, American Parakeets, English Budgies, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Sun Conures, Green Cheek Conures, Quaker Parrots, Quail, Doves and so much more, just ask. We have exotic birds and common birds, come visit them. The owner hand feeds the babies on site so they will make great pets. We sell birds, seed and used cages. Bird boarding is available. check website for monthly sales

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