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Mutts & Co.


Phone (614) 512-5107
Address 4170 McDowell Rd,
Grove City, OH 43123-3902 United States


Mutts & Co. is a family-owned pet supply store in Grove City, Ohio. We supply organic pet products such as raw food, natural treats, toys, leashes, apparel & more! Our frequent buyer programs are a terrific way to save. We have partnered with 60+ manufacturers to offer you the opportunity to save BIG on these necessities. Our 7 convenient Columbus locations offer curbside pickup and local delivery! In addition to our retail products, we offer self-serve dog wash tubs, no appointments needed – walk in, wash up, walk out! If your dog needs a day at the spa we also offer full grooming packages including nail trims, body brushing, hair removal, ear cleaning & more. We are proud to provide holistic pet care to the dogs and cats of Grove City.

Mon - Fri - 10:00 - 20:00
Sat - 10:00 - 19:00
Sun - 10:00 - 18:00


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