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Aquarium Masters


Phone (361) 343-2782
Address 3833 Saratoga Blvd.,
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 United States


Welcome to Aquarium Masters, specializing in saltwater & freshwater aquariums.

We have a large assortment of saltwater and freshwater fish, live corals, freshwater plants, tank raised fish, aquacultured corals (softies, large polyp stony (LPS), and small polyp stony (SPS)), macro algae, snails, crabs, starfish, shrimp, and other invertebrates.

We also carry new & used tanks, stands, lights, filter floss, bulkheads, tubing, specialty bulbs (metal halide, power compact, VHO, HO, T5, T5 HO, and fluorescent), hydroponics, aquaponics, and other equipment.

We offer layaway, trade-ins on livestock and equipment, tank moves, expert installations, ballast and LED replacements, repairing leaking tanks, drilling tanks, animal boarding, special orders for all your favorite items, and we can accommodate most special requests. We can do your aquarium maintenance for you.

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